For those of you who don't know the meaning of the word Chutzpah or can't use it in a sentence, I will not be naive enough to presume that I can translate it well. But, IMVHO, chutzpah is epitomized by something that happened 30 years ago last week. While the USA celebrated its 200th anniversary of independence, a group of Israeli commandos flew 2000 miles through the night into Entebbe, Uganda, and released 100 hostages from a hijacked jet. It was a bold and daring move that every world leader involved in the "War on Terror" wishes that they could match. It took bravado, planning, skills, cojones and a ton of chutzpah to get that raid done. It was the true exhibition of the tenacity of the then young State of Israel and a prime example to show the terrorists that their crimes against humanity will never bear fruit.
Yet only ten scant years after that, we learned the hard way that the war on terror didn't end in Uganda, but rather it is still an uphill battle. Ron Arad has been captured and in captivity for 20 years. So have so many other countless soldiers been kidnapped and in the past few weeks Gilad Shalit, Eldad Regev and Ehud Goldwasser, have joined their ranks. Of course, the insane despots that hold the three of them captive are more than willing to give them up in exchange for 1000's of known murders and terrorists - as if Gaza and Lebanon don't have enough of them already.
How sad is this, that in order to save our precious soliders we're expected to send 100 murderers free. Imagine for a moment, that three US Soliders are taken captive and their captors ask us to free everyone at Gitmo, or to free 3000 rapists, arsonists and murderers out of Sing Sing. What do you think our reaction would be? We'd come in shooting. Just like we did to Khadaffi, Koresh, and Saddam. Heck, we've spent five years blowing up camels and horses in the Afghan hills looking for Osama. Yet somehow the world expects Israel to allow missles to rain down on Tzfat, Haifa and Nahariya and sit perfectly still while they prepare to release 1000's of degenerates in exchange for 3 people.
While I don't like where this is going, I am proud that Olmert has the Cojones to take on the Hezbollah and Hamas, and I am glad that President Bush is so far backing him (despite Secretary Rice). Once and for all, we need to show the world that our chutzpah didn't die in Beirut the first time, that we have many more Osiraks and Entebbes left in us, and that it is all still very much worth fighting for. We need to cut off Hamas by their balls, and suffocate Hezbollah's oxygen.
But more importantly, we need to go after Iran. Syria is toothless (ironic, seeing its president is a dentist) , and I am 90% sure that both Jordan and Egypt want no part of this war. Neither to the Saudis and the other countries on the Peninsula. Iran, quite frankly scares the daylights out of me. Ahmednijad is such a lunatic and loose cannon that he actually makes Saddam and Hitler seem almost normal.
We need to go after that kook before he does any harm and show the world that the spirit of Yoni Netanyahu and Elan Ramon is still with us, and that we still have all chutzpah in the world to stand up for ourselves.
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