Monday, January 10, 2005

Genorosity II

My son's Upsherin is less than 2 weeks away (check out the countdown clock), and we are celebrating with a party that is definitely larger that what we would normally throw for one of our kids birthdays. However, we feel that it would be contrary to our beliefs as Jews if, we didn't also mark the ocassion by giving a contribution to charity.

In doing so, we are also setting the tone for our son in helping him learn the importance of this Mitzvah.

So far, we intend on making donations to two organizations:

- If his hair is long enough, we hope to donate it to Locks of Love which uses the hair to make wigs for kids who've lost their hair to various diseases.

- We also hope to make a donation to Beit Frankforter, through the Ziv Tzedakah Fund. Beit Frankforter, a day center for seniors, is a doubly good charity to donate to, as it provides activities for Jerusalem's Seniors, and one of those activities is making sandwiches for the hungry and underprivileged Children of Jerusalem.

Of course,I encourage you to investigate these charities a bit further and then make a determination to donate to them. I think that everyone should find ways to give of themselves in both wealth, spirit, and work to a cause that is near and dear to their heart.

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